Hello Pumpkin Pies,
Well, I thought it koo-koo-krazy that PleasureCrusin' invited me back so soon. Usually, I am used to folks rejecting me after one post...this PleasureCruise fella is giving TWO bites at the apple. Holy hot bat-shit!
Some of you may already know this toon, but there are just as many that do not--and should. This hot mover is brought to us by Tommy 'Apache' Seebach. The first thing that strikes a listener it not the music, it is Tommy's outrageously furry moustache. And, I will also admit Tommy does resemble an auto mechanic that is working off some debt, or something.
Although little known outside of Western Europe, Tommy Seebach looms large on the Danish pop landscape, enjoying massive chart success for over a quarter century. Born Thomas Seebach Mortensen in Copehagen on September 14, 1949, he studied piano as a child and at 14 formed his first band.
After more than a decade with a proper band, Seebach mounted a solo career in 1976 and a year later, he issued the best-selling Tommygun (what a wicked-sweet name, right?) In 1979, Seebach won the Danish Melodi Grand Prix with Disco Tango. The song was a blockbuster throughout much of Western Europe.
After a long struggle with alcoholism, Seebach died of a heart attack in 2003.