I've put together a mix for a party I'm playing this weekend. The gig is Made In The 216; an event put on by the super hot Room Service shop and it's proprietor, Danielle DeBoe. Billed as two days of shopping, music, beer, food and shenanigans - it all goes down this weekend June 11th and 12th. So please, come out and support local artists and small business owners. It's gonna be radical.
Ok - onto the mix. It's pretty simple, actually. Side A is for the lovers. Don Henely, Nu Shooz and Jarvis Cocker. Side B is for the party people; with the likes of Hot Chip, Kano and The Phenomenal Handclap Band. I've also sprinkled in a few nostalgic audio snippets that many fellow Clevelanders should find amusing...hope you enjoy!
Made In The 216 : Side A / Peter PleasureCruise